Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III : Strengths And Weaknesses Part 1

Hiccup Haddock III , Son of stoick the vast , Next in line for the hooligan tribe chief , Dragons whisperer and king of the wilderwest. He has his own set of strengths and weaknesses and here they are ! 


Hiccup isn’t exactly the PERFECT hero , Scrawny yet brainy , Scared yet well, brave !

Skills :

Dragon Riding : 

Dragon riding is one of hiccup’s best skills and he’s definitely the most mastered at this, He currently rides his windwalker dragon in the books. Most dragon riders aren’t that good and the main reason is because of the communication , The rider and the dragon must have a connect, a bond and need to communicate well his next skill helps him a lot with this 

Speaking Dragonese : 

Hiccup has the rare skill of speaking dragonese whoxh of course the previous hiccups had, This was one of the ways he communicated with the dragon furious and his other dragon friends including toothless ! It was a natural skill which he learnt by himself by dragon watching ! 

Sword Fighting : 

Another one of his skill and my personal favourite SOWRD FIGHTING !  This skill doesn’t only come from blood it also comes from knowledge, hiccup always admired the skill of swordfighting and read a lot about it when he was very young , he aspired to become the best sword fighter and that dream brought him to his sword : The endeavour 

Ok guys that’s all for now ! Stay tuned for the weaknesses coming next week ! 

Shroyaa signing out !
